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About the Project

The Highlands Subdivision, which consists of Ames Street, Burdick Street, Carter Street, Dawes Street, Drake Street, Crane Boulevard, Rockland Road and Garfield Avenue (a total 550 acre area), experiences chronic street flooding, and sometimes even structure flooding, during heavy rainfall events.  The flooding can be attributed to the existing storm sewer system only having an intake and conveyance capacity of an approximate 2-year design storm, no available/safe overland flow routes once the sewer system capacity is exceeded and no available detention.  The entire subdivision drains to the Charles Brown Reservoir, where a pumping station directs the discharge to the Seavey Ditch.


The Village’s Master Stormwater Management Plan identified a conceptual flood reduction project for the Highlands Subdivision, which includes a larger receiving storm sewer system, on-site detention on a portion of Nicholas Dowden Park, and possible flood-proofing measures for some of the homes and properties that suffer the worst flooding.  Construction of this project began with the storage basin at Dowden Park in 2022 and storm sewer installation on neighborhood streets is scheduled to begin in late March 2023 with completion in November 2023. Please give us your input and feel free to ask questions while signing up for project updates.

BA Proposed Project Limits.jpg

Project Limits Map - Click map to expand

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